Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Do Our Best

A few ours a go, I had an interesting conversation with a taxi driver. We were talking about the difficult times in Singapore. He has to start work at 5:30am in the morning and drive right through the evening in odder to generate just half of what he used to earn the same time last year. He is a jovial person.

He said something amazing, “When you do your best, God will take care of the rest.” I like this words. I told him that I would remember them and put them into writing so that others could benefit from his wisdom. This man graduated from the University of Hard Knocks.

Master Mind family 

My thoughts:
  • When we do our best, we know that most matters can be achieved, given time and the right support.
  • A day has only 24 hours. No one on earth can have more. Everyone of us can maximize the use of each hours. Some take a long time to do a task. Others, a shorter time. All of us have different levels of intelligence and physical stamina. The secrete is in spending quality time to improve ourselves.
  • In these very difficult times, I am enjoying the fruits of my pas businesses and efforts. I have more opportunities to speak to different audiences. I can travel and do my consultancy business Over the past years, clients observed my works and enjoyed the results. Actions speak louder than words. My services are now is greater demand. I am making more money! This is happening while the economy is not good, Why? The reason is simple. Be humble and do your best in good or bad times. Many people in good times are arrogant. Now when times are tough, they are suffering.
  • Remember hat every new day is a bonus, No man can guarantee that they can live an extra day. There are too many imponderables in this world. We are right to thank God daily. With His help, wonders and miracles will happen. God never fails.
  • The secret, therefore, is to enjoy every day, Live to the fullest, generating joy and kindness. There is no need to be angry. In case we o get angry, quickly remember that it is divine to forgive. Put all negative thoughts in the rubbish hap and burn them. Just be ready to say good words and encouragement to many. Touch hearts with kindness and goodness

Do your best;
God ill take care of the rest.

Source: A Legacy to My Sons - A Father's Reflections on Aspirations, Values and Life.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Surprise Visit

When we create a mission statement we identify our purpose, vision, values, and most important relationships in life. There is power in a mission statement, particularly when it explicitly or implicitly deals with all the important roles in one’s life. Most people focus on one or two roles, such as immediate family and work, and they often end up neglecting other roles. When the woman in this story focused on her extended family, she got some resistance from her immediate family But by fulfilling this role within the context of her mission statement [Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind] and sticking with the plan [Habit 3: Put First Things First], she found a meaningful new dimension of life.

When I wrote my mission statement last year, I said I wanted to be closer to my relatives than I had been in the past. So, when I planned my annual vocation to Tennessee to visit my parents and sister, I decided to schedule a visit to two elderly aunts. I don’t think I had seen them in ten years. I felt I needed to spend my time in a way consistent with my mission statement.

When I got down to Tennessee, I told my sister of my plan to visit Aunt Dorothy and Aun Mararet. She didn’t really understand my motive. Why don’t you just give them a call instead of visiting them I’ve found these great little antique shops I want to show you. They’ll be happy with just a phone call.” I don’t know why but I really felt drawn to visit these women. “No,” I said a little too firmly, “I really want to go see the aunts.”

As I drove over to their house, I had cold feet. What would they think of me, popping in to visit after all these years? Why did I think they would be happy to see me? I almost turned the car around.

When I walked into their little living room, they both lit up. We drank iced tea and visited for almost three hours. They told me stories of when I was a little girl, of how they come to visit when I was born. They even told me stories of my grandmother and great-grandfather that I hadn’t heard before. It was a delightful afternoon. I was only sorry I hadn’t visited sooner. Little did I know I had visited just in the nick of time.

Three months later, Aunt Margeret passed a way. When I heard the news, my first thought was, “I’m so glad I didn’t go antique shopping that day.” In my moment of choice, I had stuck to my plan. I had chosen to build my relationship with the people I loved just an my mission statement said. That afternoon was a priority for me. I don’t think it would have happened if I hadn’t taken the time to plan and think the importance of making these relationship first in my life. 

Source: Living the 7 Habits